Who IS This Guy?

3 min readFeb 20, 2022
Major League

I’ll give you the rundown below. Full transparency. There is no reason for me to impress you or embellish.

TLDR: I’m a straight, white guy from an upper middle class family. Despite my advantaged status, I’ve been around, I’ve seen more than a bit, and I’ve lived on both ends of a lot of issues. Having seen what I’ve seen, been where I’ve been, done what I’ve done, I have the perspective, the means, and the responsibility to make a difference in this world.

Read on for the expanded version.

Personal > Professional > Spiritual > My Vantage Point

1. Personal

I grew up in New England, but have traveled across and spent meaningful time in the South, Midwest, and West Coast, as well as around the world, including living in both Europe and Asia.

I am the product of both very good and not so good parenting. I am married (10 yrs) and raising biracial daughters. My parents are divorced, and one has passed. Being a son, step-son, brother, step-brother, husband, dad, son-in-law, brother-in-law, godfather, uncle, and high performing professional is hard in 2022 America. But it’s also awesome, and I’m grateful for what I have.

2. Professional

I have had the privilege to lead soldiers in the military and attend two Ivy League universities, both with financial aid. I enjoy talking to everyone from junior enlisted soldiers to CEOs.

I have worked for Fortune 50 companies, and I have been unemployed. I’ve had business successes and failures, thankfully more of the former. Most of my career has been as a marketing exec in CPG, tech, and financial services. I mentor (advise for free) and consult (advise for $) startups and founders, including many #vetrepreneurs.

3. Philosophical/Spiritual

Fundamental to my worldview is the belief that travel provides perspective and widens your aperture on the world. I’ve spent time on 6 continents, 30 countries (lived in 3), and 42 US states (lived in 6). I carry with me pieces of all those places and the people I’ve met along the way.

I grew up Jewish on both sides. It didn’t stick. I’m still down with the traditions, food, and holidays. I’m married to a lapsed Catholic, the daughter of a Buddhist and a Christian. Generally, I believe there is great wisdom to be gleaned from the religions of the world, but I’m not buying any of them whole cloth.

I believe in the greatness and promise of America, but not that we’re infallible or that Americans are better than other people. You can love your country, acknowledge its shortcomings and dark bits of history, and want to make it better.

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. — F. Scott Fitzergald

My Vantage Point

I have a pretty wide aperture on the world. I’ve been myself, lived, or worked across so many of the fundamental spectra from which our identities flow:

Poor <> Rich

Barely educated <> Highly educated

Majority <> Minority

Blue collar <> White collar

Secular <> Religious

Sick <> Healthy

American <> European <> Asian

It’s impossible for any one person to internalize the life experiences of everyone else. But I’ve walked a lot of miles in a lot of different shoes. I’ve learned to learn, think, feel, empathize, understand, and appreciate humanity in all its varied, beautiful, and unglamorous forms.

Talking to each other, even if we speak different languages, is how we connect and bridge what divides us. When we understand each other, we become invested in each other. And when are all-in, we are compelled to action — to GET IN THE RING.

This is what I believe. This is why I write. Thanks for being here. 🥊

Read on.

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